Savannah Massage Therapy & Wellness Clinic

Kitchener-Waterloo area Massage Therapy & Wellness Clinic passionate about healing ailments and helping people understand their bodies.

The Brief

In 2018, Lisa started Savannah Massage Therapy & Wellness Clinic. A health and wellness clinic located in Kitchener, ON with a focus on Massage Therapy, but eager to grow into a holistic wellness centre.

They required the following services:

Logo Design Icon Comvert Marketing Portfolio
Indoor Signs Graphic Design Icon Comvert Marketing Portfolio
Outdoor Signs Graphic Design Icon Comvert Marketing Portfolio
Domains Icon Comvert Marketing Portfolio
WebEmail Hosting Icon Comvert Marketing Portfolio
WordPress Website Icon Comvert Marketing Portfolio
Website Care Package Icon Comvert Marketing Portfolio
Website Care Package Icon Comvert Marketing Portfolio

Our collaboration with Savannah Massage Therapy & Wellness Clinic is ongoing to this day, and we are very proud of the progess they’ve made!


Lisa initially reached out for help finalizing her logo design. She had the basic concept figured out, but wasn’t happy with how it looked overall.

After some discussion, we determined her concept was solid and meaningful, it just needed a touch of modification to appear finished as she envisioned.

Here is an excerpt from Lisa herself:

savannah massage dark 1

The Meaning Behind Our Name & Logo

Lisa grew up in Johannesburg, South Africa until in the year 2000, when she was just 17, her family moved to Canada. She wanted the clinic name and logo to have meaning to her and represent her roots while being unique and memorable.

“The Tree – Acacia Trees is an iconic tree and second to the more popular tree known as the Baobabs. These trees are well-known landmarks in the veld(bush)/savannas in Africa. The hands resemble me as an RMT. Without our hands, we therapists would not be able to do the work we love, and after 13 years as a Massage Therapist, I can honestly say I love what I do. These two features of the logo meet and combine to create the roots of the tree since they are indeed the roots of my life, and the circle represents the unity of that and our abilities to treat the body as a whole.”  

– Lisa de Souza, Owner / RMT"

See how we were able to improve upon Lisa’s concept below:

Before After

Graphic Design

Following the logo creation, she needed to apply it both at her physical location, and online. We got to work on Indoor and Outdoor Signage as well as digital assets such as her Facebook & Twitter Cover Photos, Profile Photos, and more!

Website Design & Development

Following the finalization of her new Brand Identity, we were tasked with creating matching cover photo designs for Facebook and Twitter, and later creating a brand new WordPress website that could be used for her future Digital Marketing efforts.

Her new website had to have…

  • A well thought-out and organized Blog area
  • Social Media feeds & sharing features
  • Team section with team member bios and pictures
  • Treatment descriptions & pricing
  • Frequently Asked Questions and Answers
  • Friends section to showcase other local businesses
  • Marketing analytics
  • Search Engine Optimization

Over the years, we have built upon the Savannah Massage Therapy Clinic website as the business has grown adding new features and sections such as a Product Catalog, Affiliate Marketing area, Downloadable Guides, Single Service pages, and much more!

Savannah Massage Therapy & Wellness Clinic continues to grow, and Lisa continues to utilize the full power of the internet and the assets we’ve built together to build her team and improve her brand! It’s always exciting to work with Lisa and her team to bring her ideas to life!

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